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BlackBerry App World Home to 15,000 Apps

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BlackBerry App World Home to 15,000 Apps Empty BlackBerry App World Home to 15,000 Apps

BlackBerry App World Home to 15,000 Apps Blackb11

RIM tweeted yesterday that the BlackBerry App World portal is now home to 15,000 apps, up from 10,000 in September. It’s still a far cry from the iOS App Store’s 300,000-ish and the Android Market’s 100,000-odd apps, plus Windows Phone isn’t that far behind BlackBerry with 3,000 apps after just a few weeks. Also, as Kyle points out, about 3800 of those in App World are themes, and another 3200 are references and e-books; whether or not those count as proper “apps” is your call. This 15,000 app-mark shouldn’t be indicative of the entire marketplace, though; that number doesn’t take into account the BlackBerry apps sold through third parties like GetJar, MobiHand, Handango, and other popular destinations.

Even though having a bustling app ecosystem results in a lot of great competition to make the best apps, the name of the game is quality over quantity. There’s a point for end-users where it really doesn’t matter if there’s a thousand, ten thousand, or a hundred thousand apps – all that counts is that they can find what they’re looking for, that it runs smoothly, and is priced reasonably.

I have no doubt that App World will see a whole new level of activity once the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is released sometime early next year, especially since it has more horsepower, screen real estate, and developer-friendliness than any of RIM’s previous devices. After the PlayBook has paved the way for the new QNX-based operating system, I’ll be really excited to see developers already comfortable with the environment making apps for the OS on phones.

That’s still a ways off, mind you. In the meantime, hats-off to RIM and here’s to the next 15,000, even if that doesn’t catch you up to the Android Market.

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Join date : 06.07.10
Age : 35
Location : Jakarta

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